Getting back into a school routine can be tough after summer, but there are also a lot of things to look forward to.

Friends, sports, and structure are a couple that immediately come to mind for me.  There are so many things to do once school starts back up, and so many opportunities to have fun and accomplish things. 

In preparation for school starting back up, here are five things I like to do that help me stay focused and productive:

  1. Set school goals
  2. Set sport goals
  3. Set intentions
  4. Get a planner/agenda
  5. Brainstorm food/outfight ideas

1. Set school goals: When I make goals, I use the SMART method: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based.  With this structure in mind, I like to write down goals for the upcoming school year.  These goals help me stay motivated academically and hold myself accountable to a high standard.  An example could be: Have A’s in at least 4 out of 6 classes by December. Or: Make sure I finish my homework by 10pm 4 nights of the week. 

2. Set sports goals: The SMART method also works well for athletic goals.  Goals can range from making a certain sports team, being able to do xx number of squats at xx weight by a specific date, or learning a certain technique by a specific date.

3. Set intentions: Along with SMART goals, I also like to set more general intentions for my year.  I usually try to make intentions for different aspects of my life. Social: better communication with my friends.  School: get started on projects early so I don’t procrastinate too much.  Sports: show up to each practice with a good attitude and ready to learn.  General: use electronics less, especially before bed.

4. Get a planner/agenda: It really helps me to organize my activities and assignments in a planner.  That way, I can plan ahead and keep track of everything I need to get done. I even like to color-code for more organization.  I have all my sports activities in one color, school assignments in another color, appointments in a third color, and so on.

5. Brainstorm food/outfit ideas: On the weekends before a week of school, brainstorming ideas for lunch or what I might want to wear saves me stress during the actual week.  Sometimes I prepare the meals ahead of time or set the clothes out, but if not, even just having an idea in my head saves some time.  I used to waste so much time trying to decide at the last minute what to bring for lunch or what to wear, so this helps me a lot.

These five things really help me get back into school mode, and maybe they can do the same for you!

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